Quit Your Day Job

Quit your day job.

I love my job.  It’s a pretty sweet gig.  James and I make our own work hours and we can work from anywhere.  I spend my days with my family.  Our essential oil business not only allowed me to close my previous salon business, but it has allowed my husband James to sell his office supply business.  Together we are able to home school our children, lead our team, and embark on adventures we had only dreamed of!

Our business involves two things: 1. We teach people how to take care of their family naturally with the use of essential oils. 2. We coach people who want to build a business with residual income like we do.   Both aspects of our work are incredibly rewarding!  I love seeing the physical, mental, and emotional healing that people experience when they bring essential oils into their lives and I also love seeing the financial healing that comes from building a successful business!

We work with the largest essential oil company in the world.  I’ve never considered myself a sales person but rather a teacher. When you have an amazing product that changes lives, education is all you need!  I get to share something that changed my life with other people.  I’m not an expert- just an essential oil user with a voice!

Our essential oil sharing team stretches the globe.  We call ourselves The Freedom Tree.  That’s what we are: a living, growing, organically growing group of caring people who choose to live a life of wellness and financial freedom by helping others discover what someone shared with us.

If you’d like to learn more about using essential oils to take care of your family naturally visit our wellness website essentialoilclassroom.com.

Are you already a member of our team?  Be sure to join our team Facebook Groups:

Drop By Drop (Oil usage info)

The Freedom Tree (Business support and training)

Please contact me to request to be added to either of these groups.

Are you interested in joining our Freedom Tree team and working directly with Tanya and James to grow your own essential oil business?  We would love to talk with you and give you some helpful information to review.  We offer a thorough training and mentoring program to the business builders on our team and we would love to work with you! Contact us here to request more information.

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