Our North Carolina Family

Actually, we don’t have ANY family in North Carolina.  Until two years ago, we only knew one family in the whole state. But things have changed just a little bit…

My childhood friend, Crystal Garvin, joined our Freedom Tree team in Dec. of  2012 and has grown a very large team of several thousand in the area.  Crystal and I hit it off as BFFs when we were four years old and we were always sad to be across the country from each other once we had to become grown-ups with “responsibilities”.  Becoming business partners was win-win in our book because now we have a great reason to spend time in the East which also gives us a lot of time to hang out with Crystal and her family!  We also have a lot of people we can now call North Carolina friends.  We have been so blessed by Crystal and her team, it’s always a complete privilege to visit.

We spent a few days in the Triad (Greensboro) area. Crystal’s husband, Dave, taught Sunshine how to properly grill steaks on a charcoal grill (they were delicious!) and the Ninja was in HEAVEN playing with their three boys.  Even though our kids already have nineteen first cousins, it’s been decided by our son that the Garvin boys are cousins as well.  They look enough alike that they could be!

Crystal and I spent a whole day teaching and training some of the leaders on her team while the guys and the kids hit the pool. On our last night the Garvins hosted a super fun family party for the top ranking leaders on her team- bowling, pizza, and LAZER TAG! (We’re fans of anything that involves shooting each other for points).

Thank you Garvins and team North Carolina for such a fun weekend!


Mischievous boys sitting together in church!


The grill master and his apprentice.



Learning how to play pool from Laura (one of the leaders on our team).


Love working with this crew!


A couple of handsome dudes hangin’ by the lake at Oak Hollow Campground in High Point, NC