San Antonio Love

I have nothing but awesome reviews for the city of San Antonio!  We LOVED it!  This was our first time visiting and I couldn’t get over how beautiful it was.  The city center was a fantastic mix of modern urban design and historic spanish influenced architecture and the River Walk is absolutely gorgeous!  I could have strolled along the river all day if it weren’t for some grumpy kids who couldn’t figure out “where” we were going.  Walking for the sake of walking must be a developmental stage that hasn’t kicked in yet.


strolling along the river walk.


We dove into some amazing southern food the first chance we had!

Speaking of food… I have to give a shout out to one of our favorite discoveries thus far. We rolled into San Antonio late at night without any decent groceries stocked so we turned to our phones to search for any kind of family restaurant that was open late.  Our GPS lead us across the city to a tiny little pizza joint that turned out to be a total gem!  The pizza crust was amazing and the kids won’t stop talking about how good Gallo’s pizza was. (Actually, it’s kind of ruined all other pizza for us now.) I think our total meal for six was $28 total which was unbelievable.  We had a nice chat with the owner while we ate and it turned out that his parents live full time in the RV park we were staying at clear across the city. He was so nice and is considering hitting the road in a 5th wheel with his own family one of these days.  We left with the phone number of his dad who would be happy to be a resource for us if we should ever come back to spend more time in San Antonio.  We loved the shady RV park there so much, we might just do that!  (There were big trees, frogs, and fireflies so we were enthralled).  It’s nice to know that Fred’s around if we need him!

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Gallo Pizzaria on the west side. Yum!

As for sightseeing, we couldn’t be in San Antonio without seeing the Alamo.  Wow, it is amazing to see in person!  The building is so old and the history is fascinating. Our two youngest learned a little about Davy Crocket in school this year so it was fun to see him on the memorial and to learn the history of him and his men at the Alamo.

11264020_10206799858778906_6252677644342273334_nStanding under Davy.



  We don’t have trees like this in Montana!

We spent quit a bit of time in the evening waiting for the famous bats to fly out from under the bridge. Apparently 89 degrees is a little chilly for Mexican Bats to come out so we went home a little disappointed when they didn’t fly.  Seeing the bats will have to remain on our bucket list for now.


Waiting for the bats who stood us up.


San Antonio- You won us over!  We will be back!!!

RVing: Not for the Faint of Heart

Midland Texas- My cousin Cherith moved here from Bozeman with her husband and daughter a few years back so we made a point to stop and visit.  They treated us to some amazing Mexican food and we spent the evening sipping wine in their enormous built in hot tub.  (Total treat!)

The kids have great memories of hanging out with their older cousin

so it’s always a lot of fun to watch them reconnect.


There were tornado watches all across the area all evening.  However, when we went home to our RV late at night the weather alerts took a turn for the worse. Our weather alert system was notifying us of several tornado warnings in the area and there was quite a storm brewing right over head.  By the time we were getting ready for bed, it seemed too risky to go to sleep with continual warnings and watches that were going to be active until at least 2 am.  So we decided to bail. We loaded the kids up in the mini van in the middle of the night and drove through the torrential rain to the first hotel we could find!  Thankfully they had a room and it was a quick transfer from camping to hotel room!  The storm really hit hard at about 1:30 and I was a little worried about our doggie in the van.  Of course mom didn’t get much sleep that night.  Thankfully, the night came and went without any disaster and when we returned to the RV park the next day the only damage was some down satellite dishes.


Notice the blue dot.  

That would be our RV location right about the time we made a run for shelter!  

Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones in the series of tornadoes that hit less than one week later.  For our fellow RVers, here’s a great read about “what to do if you’re in an RV during a tornado warning”.  Stay safe out there!


This is the seemingly friendly Western Black Diamond Rattler we stumbled upon at a rest stop!  The kids like to say, “We almost died twice that day. Once from a tornado and once from a snake bite”.  It makes for an exciting story anyway!


And of course there were these as far as the eye could see.  

Fair well West Texas!  Thanks for the great food and the great company!