Day of Redemption

The kids were a little on the cranky side after touring San Antonio and New Orleans in such rapid succession with long drives in between.  I was a little annoyed at the level of complaining considering the fact that we’re “doing this all for them” (not exactly true mom) so there was some building tension in the RV to say the least.  I have to admit, I didn’t properly consider the level of endurance they had considering all the walking and all the driving and all the “learning about history” involved.  We were very much in need of some kid fun.

I’m proud to say that I TOTALLY REDEEMED MYSELF!!!  I found a great campground right on the beach for our next stop.  But I didn’t bother telling the kids we were going to the beach so that they would be surprised.  I told them we were on our way to Alabama, but in reality, we landed just about a half mile across the Florida border at this amazing beach front area called the Perdido Key (Nick named “The Lost Key”). I even impressed myself, if I may say so. This beach was FANTASTIC!!!  Glorious white sand, very few people, and bright blue water.  The temperature was perfect, the shells were in plenty and the only bad part was when the sun started to set and we had to leave. We had a glorious time relaxing in the water and we all had a new-found love for traveling.

It’s been agreed on. We will find our way back to the Lost Key when we can spend more than one day a few months.








The Pacific!

We couldn’t leave California without dipping our toes in the Pacific Ocean.  (After all, we are going to see the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico twice all in one trip.  How cool is that?!)

We didn’t have a lot of time, but we did sneak in a quick trip to Newport Beach.  After a long Montana winter, nothing feels better than salt water on the toes!


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